Top 7 point to care your dog at home

dog care

Top 7 point to care your dog at home

1. Dog food

Dog food should be high in protein and low in fat. If you have a puppy, make sure he gets his first meal at around 6 weeks old. Puppies need about 2-3 times their body weight in calories per day. As they get older, they require less food. Adult dogs only need 1/3 of their body weight in calories each day. Make sure to give them plenty of water throughout the day. Dogs love to drink water!

2. Exercise

Exercise is just as important as feeding your dog. You want to keep him active and moving. A good way to do this is to take him out for walks. When walking, try to vary the route you take. Walk down different streets, parks, trails, etc. Your dog will enjoy exploring new places and meeting new people.

3. Grooming

Grooming is extremely important for your dog’s health. Brushing your dog regularly helps remove dead hair and dirt from his coat. Bathing your dog once a week keeps his skin clean and free of parasites. Be careful not to overdo grooming though. Overly groomed dogs tend to become self conscious and anxious.

4. Vaccinations

Vaccinations help protect your dog from many harmful diseases. Ask your vet if your dog needs any vaccinations before you bring him home. Also ask if there are any vaccines recommended for your area.

5. Toys

Toys are great for keeping your dog occupied and entertained. Choose toys that are safe for your dog and don't hurt him. Avoid toys that squeak or spin. These types of toys can cause harm to your dog's teeth and gums.

6. Diet

Diet is also important for your dog's health. Feeding your dog a balanced diet will ensure that he stays healthy and strong. Always check the ingredients list on the packaging of your dog's food. Look for meat, vegetables, fruits, grains, vitamins, and minerals.

7. Cleanliness

Cleanliness is extremely important for your pet. Keep your dog's house clean and free of clutter. Remove feces from the yard and dispose of it properly. Wash your hands after handling your dog.

There are many points to consider when caring for your dog. Here in Testifykennel the top 7 points like dog food, exercise, grooming, vaccinations, toys, diet and hygiene are mentioned. We take care of all types of dogs as well as take care of them, we have all types of breeds available here. You can also buy online puppy form testifykennel