How to Buy White German Shepherd Dog In India

White German Shepherd Dog

Physical characteristics of the White German Shepherd

He is similar in all respects to the German Shepherd, except that he is a little more elongated and less angulated than the black and fawn German Shepherd show. The standard describes a robust and powerful sheepdog, muscular, of medium size, with erect ears and a white double-haired coat, of medium or long length. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, ranging in color from brown to fawn-brown. The ears are large, triangular in shape and perfectly erect. The tail is inserted and set rather low; it reaches at least the hock.

White German Shepherd breed dog

Hair: his hair is double, medium or long, and well layered. White color.
Color: white.
Height: 60 to 66 cm for the male and 55 to 61 cm for the female
Weight: 30 to 40 kg for the male and 25 to 35 kg for the female

Origins and history

The white color is excluded from the standard of the German Shepherd, this breed was bred and selected as a breed in its own right (first under the name of Canadian White Shepherd). The first information on the breeding of white shepherds prior to 1900 comes from Alsace-Lorraine: at the royal court of the Habsburgs, purebred white shepherds were raised. In 2002, Switzerland, which had imported its first subjects in the 1970s, assumed the paternity of the breed, which the FCI officially recognized under its current name.

Character and Abilities

It is a dog with a strong temperament, not nervous, but attentive and vigilant. He can be a little reserved around strangers, but never aggressive or fearful. He loves human company and gets along well with children. However, he does not tolerate loneliness well and can become destructive and unhappy if he is alone for several hours a day...


The BBS, as breed enthusiasts call it, is a dog that stands out for its soft and supple character. He is loyal, faithful, and very attached to his master, often even too much.

Marks of affection must of course be given to him, but without excess so as not to reinforce his hyper-attachment.

Player :

The greatest happiness of this dog lies in the fact of spending time with the members of his social group, young or old. The play sessions are therefore particularly appreciated by this dog who, moreover, has a great need to let off steam.

Calm :

Even if he settles down with age and can also show great discretion, this large white dog, especially when he is a puppy, is particularly restless and requires a lot of attention.

Intelligent :

The Berger Blanc Suisse is a very versatile dog, which reflects his great intelligence. He excels in many canine activities (tracking, agility, obedience, etc.) but also in various functions as a guide dog, police dog, patrol dog, or search dog in rubble or avalanches.


L’instinct de prédation chez celui que l’on appelle également le Berger Blanc Américain est présent sans être excessivement développé. Il peut facilement être limé avec une bonne éducation.

Craintif / méfiant avec les inconnus :

Le Berger Blanc Suisse peut être un peu réservé envers les étrangers, mais sans jamais être agressif ou peureux.

Il n’accorde pas sa confiance facilement et aura tendance à montrer des signes d’affection uniquement à ses maîtres ou aux personnes qu’il rencontre régulièrement.

Indépendant :

Très attachée à son maître, cette race présente souvent un problème d'hyper-attachement. Ce trouble peut être dévié lorsque ce berger suisse est encore chiot, notamment par le biais d’un détachement progressif, ainsi que par l’apprentissage de la solitude et de la bonne gestion de la frustration.


Endure loneliness:

Particularly close to his masters and very dependent on his social group, this Swiss dog cannot stand being alone. He abhors isolation, in fact, from an early age, he will have to be gradually accustomed to being alone while offering him occupation games and adopting a coherent attitude, whether during departures or returns.

Easy to train / obedient:

This sheepdog is particularly docile because it is very receptive, thanks in particular to the adoration it dedicates to its master. He wants to spend time with him and make him happy more than anything, which therefore facilitates the educational sessions.

In addition, his intelligence allows him to quickly understand what is expected of him.

Be careful though, this sensitive dog does not support brutality or injustice! A firm but at the same time, gentle education will be necessary, respecting the principles of positive education (reinforcement of good behavior).

The educational bases must be started as soon as the Berger Blanc Suisse puppy arrives at home to prevent him from developing bad habits.


This dog, despite his enthusiasm and overflowing energy, is after all quite discreet and does not bark without reason.

His voice will be heard especially if he feels a threatening presence on his territory or if he is left alone for too long hours, for example.


For this dependent and sensitive dog, being alone, far from his masters, remains his worst nightmare. In fact, running away will be very little observed in this breed.


He does not tolerate loneliness well and can therefore become destructive and unhappy if he is alone for several hours a day. The destructions will be mainly directed toward objects, clothes, and fabrics that carry the scent of its masters (remote control, cushions, shoes, etc.). It is a visible symptom of hyper attachment and separation anxiety that are often seen in this breed.


The Canadian White Shepherd, as he is also called, is a good eater but he knows how to wait patiently for his bowl if he is given a good education. Treats are especially popular for working.

Watchdog :

His reserve towards strangers makes him a good watchdog. Let's not forget that this white dog is still very close to the German Shepherd who has a very pronounced guarding instinct.

First dog:

It is a very good life companion that can adapt to many homes. Intelligent, balanced, docile, and affectionate, he seems to be the perfect dog for a first adoption.

Nevertheless, novice masters could overlook some undesirable behaviors that would only reinforce the predisposition to hyper-attachment that this large white dog has.

Neophytes will therefore have to learn about what to do or not to do to avoid or at least manage this disorder that can become very restrictive on a daily basis. The help of professional canine education and behavior is advised.

Living conditions

Despite his appearance as a white wolf, the Berger Blanc Suisse is a rather calm dog who knows how to adapt to his master and his living conditions. He will still be happier if he can exert himself in a garden or during long walks. The most important thing for him is to be with his master.

Berger Blanc Suisse in an apartment:

Despite his appearance as a white wolf, the Berger Blanc Suisse is a rather calm dog who knows how to adapt to his master and his living conditions.

Apartment living is possible if this dog is sufficiently spent on a daily basis. Despite everything, he will still be happier if he can exert himself in a garden.

Quite dependent on his master, the most important thing for him is to be surrounded by the members of his social group.

Moreover, whether or not this sheepdog has access to a garden, he will have to be walked outside every day to be fully fulfilled.

Sporting activities can be offered to him but it is preferable to wait for the end of his growth. The advice of a veterinarian is strongly recommended before starting the intense canine activity.

Need for exercise/sport:

The Berger Blanc Suisse is an excellent working dog but also a very good sports dog who needs daily expenses to feel good in his paws.

The regular expenditure, whether physical, mental, olfactory, or social, allows on the one hand to release the great energy of the Berger Blanc Suisse, to strengthen the relationship between the master and his dog but also to avoid the appearance of disorders. behaviors due to boredom, for example.

Travel / Ease of transport:

Even if this dog has good size, he remains very adaptable and knows how to make himself very small, especially if it is to accompany his masters and therefore not be left alone.

Attention, some subjects, without saying that they are fearful, are very sensitive. A coherent education and quality socialization allow transport/travel to be safe and experienced peacefully by the dog.

Grooming and maintenance

The maintenance of this dog has an immaculate white coat, despite appearances, is very simple, a few regular brushings are enough to maintain its beautiful coat.

Only one or two annual baths are recommended because this white dog has the advantage of having self-cleaning hair.

The dog's eyes and ears will need to be monitored and cleaned regularly.

Hair loss:

The loss of hair is moderate but constant, it is accentuated in particular during the two annual molts, in the fall, and in the spring. During these periods, daily brushing is recommended.


The Berger Blanc Suisse and the Cats:

Very sociable, this dog gets along with all animals, whether they are of his own species or not, especially if he has been used to them from an early age and has grown up alongside cats.

Be careful, even if he gets along with the cats in the household, this does not mean that he will get along with all the cats.

The Berger Blanc Suisse and other dogs:

Intra-specific socialization from the first months of the Berger Blanc Suisse puppy's life helps to develop and reinforce canine codes and therefore to make congener encounters pleasant.

At home, he can quite live with another dog and will appreciate his presence, especially during periods of solitude.

Be careful however, it is not reasonable to take a second dog only so that the first one feels less alone and better lives the absences of his masters. By doing so, instead of having one dog that doesn't like loneliness, you just risk having two dogs that don't like loneliness.

The Berger Blanc Suisse and children:

If the children respect the dog and learn to communicate intelligently with him, the cohabitation will be perfect. Indeed, the White Swiss Shepherd Dog, thus called Across the Channel, is a very good family dog, delicate and patient with children.

However, rules of life must be established and respected, this is valid for all dog breeds.

For example, children must learn not to disturb the dog when he sleeps in his basket, not to feed him at the table, not to bicker with him, etc. Also, an adult should always be present and in control of their dog when they are with children.

The Berger Blanc Suisse and the Elderly:

Young retirees who are still sufficiently active to meet the spending needs of this shepherd represent the perfect profile for this dog who fears loneliness more than anything. Owners present at home all day can thus offer the ideal setting for this sensitive dog.

However, be careful, a sedentary life absolutely did not suit this dog who needs to exert himself every day. The use of a dog walking company can and should be considered if necessary.


It is a robust dog, however prone to diarrhea problems. Some of them are disposed to Ivermectin as well as cox-femoral dysplasia. Very attached to his master, he often presents a problem of hyper-attachment.

Resistant / robust:

This white shepherd dog is robust and of a solid constitution, it also enjoys a very good life expectancy since it can go up to 14 years, without encountering major health problems.

Withstands heat:

Fresh and regularly renewed water must always be available when it is hot. In addition, a shady and cool corner should be reserved for the dog during hot weather.

Moreover, an excellent working dog will have to be slowed down in its activities during the summer periods because it would tend not to back down from a mission, even in the middle of a dodger.

Withstands the cold:

Its double coat composed of an abundant undercoat gives it good protection against bad weather, but when it's cold, this sheepdog prefers to stay warm with its family.

Tendency to grow:

If a premium diet is offered to him and he is sufficiently spent every day, there is no reason for this dog to gain excessive weight. You still have to be vigilant.

Common illnesses:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasias

  • Predisposition to diarrhea

  • Predisposition to drug toxicity at MDR1 gene

Where To buy Your White German Shepherd Dog

The price of a Berger Blanc Suisse varies according to its origins, age, and sex. It is necessary to count on average Rs.50000 for a dog registered with the LOF. The highest lines can be sold for up to more than Rs. 55,000.

The monthly budget represents between 5000 and Rs.6000 to meet the needs of this large white dog, including food and classic care.

Average life expectancy: about 12 years